We have big stuff goin on this month.   The premiere of Jack Reacher is on the 21st, and us bonez will be on the big screen!   Next night is Krewe of Boo, and we will be out there with our barbie dolls and candy.

From there we will be at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/karstendiek-familyvampire-lestat-tomb-reception-tickets-27445157204?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&aff=esfb&utm-source=fb&utm-term=listing

Please join Save Our Cemeteries and Anne Rice’s Vampire Lestat Fan Club for a celebration of the upcoming restoration of the Karstendiek Family tomb in historic Lafayette Cemetery No. 1.

The Karstendiek Family tomb is also known as the “Vampire Lestat Tomb” because of the inspiration famed author Anne Rice drew from the tomb’s unique attributes and its striking resemblence to the tomb featured in the movie adaptation of Interview with the Vampire.

The Karstendiek Family tomb is one of only16 cast-iron tombs in Orleans Parish and needs extensive repairs. Proceeds from the event will be earmarked for restoration of the tomb.

Patrons will participate in a Second Line led by Skinz N Bonez into the cemetery. A brief “twilight tour” of the cemetery is included, and light refreshments and red wine will be served

Tickets are $50 per person. Must be at least 21 years old to attend. Reservations are required and limited to 100 patrons.

We hope you will join us to celebrate and support the full restoration of this very special landmark!

Questions? Please email soc@saveourcemeteries.org.

OF COURSE we will be at the Lestat Ball… 

on halloween we will be at mahogony jazz club at five pm to 7 to perform..

then look for us with the sisters of perpetual  indulgence on november first for a day of the dead procession.   begins at mags on elysian fields, check into facebook for the invitation  https://www.facebook.com/events/692037680949800/

then we will be out and about on day of the dead.   but thats always a secret.   LOL







mystic krewe of femme fatale


mardigras day

stay tuned for updates and indian practice.





this years event will roll on october third through the lower quarter

Included in this years roll is Buffas, Golden Lantern, Spitfire   and the friendly bar. we will be donating to New Orleans Bulldog Rescue this year, and will have a moving altar, and bulldogs with us.

The festival of Dia De Muertos or day of the dead is one with very ancient roots in mexico.  During the Pre Hispanic era there were very elaborate rituals and philosophies concerning the life-death cycle.  Nowhere more so than amongst the Mexican Peoples of the Oaxaca area.   For them life was no more than a passing moment, a dream from which one would wake up again, amongst the dead.  There were 9 levels in the afterlife, and the manner of one’s death determined one’s place in these levels or the return to the dream-time of the living.   Thus warriors killed in combat, sacrificial victims and women dead in childbirth would become companions of the Sun.   The crowned would join Tlaloc the rain god.   The dead were buried with the artifacts of daily life, and offerings of food and drink.

During the Colonial Era, the Catholic religion introduced a fear of Death and Hell.  Death was represented as a skeleton with a scythe in hand.   By the 19th centruy, Death was represented as a friendly ballet-like figure, a familiar friend.

The famous engraver, Jose Guadalupe Posada popularized the figure of death in the world of art.  At the turn of the century the tradition of “Calaveras” or satirical reviews of politicians, traditions social or artistic notables became very popular.

Today Dia De Los Muertos is celebrated on Nov 1st and 2nd.  On these days it is believed that the dead come from the beyond to visit with the living.   Special foods are prepared, breads are baked, and flowers of the season collected.   In some villages the men and boys prepare tables laden with offerings of food and drink for the spirits of the dead and flowers are used to decorate arches and walkways.   Wax candles are lit throughout the graveyards of Mexico.

Processions are made to the cemetaries, where family graves are cleaned up and feasts are held.   Prayers for the souls of the dead are said in return from the afterlife, and to visit these cemetaries you will find families with tables of food and offerings…   The first day of the festival is for the spirit of infants, and the second day is for the adult spirits.  the living receive the dead with merriment and music.

AFTER the 2nd of November / all souls day, the living are then invited for the raising of the dead, where the offerings are consumed and small children fill up baskets with food and drink, cover it with fresh cleaned and pressed napkins and take that to their godparents.  In many ways these celebrations are similar to American’s own Labor Day.

Here in New Orleans the Latino community themselves bring many wonderful moments during this season.   The Ogden Museum being on the forefront of the Art, and Commentary FROM our own community.   We also honor ours on All Saints Day by cleaning up our cemetaries and filling them with flowers.

here’s an article from last year regarding our Queen, and some of the antics from Octobers past.   http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/11/01/new-orleans-carnivalesque-day-of-the-dead.html

So in the traditions of the Hispanic People, and in the tradition of New Orleans, Skinz N Bonez invites you to begin your journey at the beginning of October each year as we pay our respects to those who came before us.   We chose to honor dogs because DOGS play a major role in bringing those who have passed, to those who are living.   Tradition calls for the building of a Family Altar in the home beginning Oct 1st.   Adding to this altar would be a glass of water for the long journey, food, and a dog to lead the way.   All Hail Man’s Best Friend.

this is a rolling altar party. Each bar chosen will receive a gift from skinz n bonez to display behind their bar, as we begin the celebration of the latino month long holiday known as “dia de los muertos”

for those of you unfamiliar? here’s some wikipedia for you

please scroll through our webpage for links to our paypal.   buy your tickets to calacas y maracas for $10 each, or buy a raffle ticket for $5 each to win the painting above.   the painting is HUGE, and is currently on display at the Louisiana Pizza Kitchen.









summer is in full swing, and so are we as we begin to gather for our favorite season HALLOWEEN.

but first off the ten year anniversary of katrina is almost here, and we will be uptown at two pm at miss mae’s with Wildman John and Queen Kim, with skinz n bonez and friends to do a pub crawl to raise funds for a beading class at the lyons center.  for more info on that please read our post.

next up is calacas y maracas on oct 3rd.  this years charity of animal rescue choice is new orleans bulldog rescue.  stay tuned for more info.

krewe of boo

anne rice ball

day of the dead


we know you want to join us, so drop us a note and we will get you on the same page as us.    we also know you want a skinz n bonez doll!


we would like to thank the Wild Tcoupitoulas for this great season.    We had a great time on super sunday, st josephs nite, and then again for super sunday on the bayou.  up and coming super sunday is april 17th on the Wank.

we would also like to thank first nations of canada for the fabulous cultural exchange, and in particular Cherie Dimaline and Janine Manning.    I love both of you ladies.

We would also like to thank big chief Roderick Sylvas for his love and support, and NOBIA for the opportunity to go the the Indian Ball this year at the Sheraton.   Can’t wait for next year.    All Hail the wonderful season we had, and the next two adventures.  see you on the wank, and the last sunday of jazzfest as we roll one more time this season with the wild tchoupitoulas.76 59 63 68 71 73 75






2015 season of carnivale

jan 6th joan of arc / flaming heretics and judgment the bone shall bring, along with joan whose soul shall weep

feb 7th chewbacchus / kaiju flambeaux shall light the way, the bonez we keep those at bay

feb 8th  mystic krewe of femme fatale / first roll for this delightful krewe, skinz n bonez and wild tchoupitoulas too

feb 15th Okeanos / pet cemetary here we come, with our short ribs and our loud drums

fat tuesday 2015

we are the skinz n bonez, we creep up to your home and scare you wide awake on mardigras day!    we comin way before dawn, and the indians sing their song, they say that hoo nah nay, their pretty feathers sway.      We will be out before the sun rises to remind you to enjoy yourself, its later than you think.   we shall shed our flesh to the bone to remind you life is short, and you should get up and greet the day.  look for us on the neutral ground of st roch as we drum up the sun, and greet the day.


update for sept and oct season.

thursday sept 25 is the kick off of new orleans horrorfest.  come join us at Indywood theater on Elysian Fields at 8:30 for a pub crawl!

sat oct 4th is Calacas Y Maracas.   join us at six pm at the KERRY on Decatur street french quarter…. and get your face painted and ROLL DEM BONEZ for charity!   animal rescue and skinz n bonez n soul sweepers!

sun Oct 12th  UPTOWN with the Prince of Wales Secondline.   we gots wildman john and our uptown BONE representin

sat Oct 18th Anba Dlo parade through the bywater.  line up six pm at mimis.

thurs oct 30th KREWE OF BOO PARADE

friday oct 31st  THE LESTAT BALL performance for Anne Rice

sat nov 1st  Rosalies Alley for day of the dead celebration

sun nov 2nd  Day of the Dead Parade in the bywater.

ye ma yaphoto courtesy of Kim Welsh!

all hail the fall!   blessings poppin!




southern decadence is here!    fabulous darlings.

we will be at the parade on sunday marching with the PAIR O DICE TUMBLERS

we would like to thank KREWE OF OAK for being so great over midsummer mardigras.

next up?  new orleans horror festival.  calacas y maracas, anba dlo, krewe of boo, and dia de los muertos parade in the bywater.  stay tuned.



Welcome to Calacas Y Maracas!  (Skeletons with Maracas )

Skinz N Bonez and Soul Sweepers yearly stroll through the French Quarter welcoming the fall season.

We began a tradition last year to raise awareness for animal rescue in the New Orleans area, and this year we specifically chose to honor the Pet Asylum in the French Quarter.

We also chose the month of October because of “Dia De Los Muertos”  or Day of the Dead.   The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died.  Each October families put together Altars or “Ofrendas”  honoring the deceased using sugar skulls, marigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of the departed, and visiting graves with these as gifts.  Dia De Los Muertos is a month long celebration of Altars and gifts leading up to November 2nd  “ALL SOULS DAY”.   We will recreate a moving Altar crawl, with YOU as a key player.

As a participant, you will get to dress up skeleton, walk with Skinz N Bonez and Soul Sweepers LLC and Altar Crawl.   All while raising awareness of Day of the Dead, and Animal Rescue.  We urge you to bring drums, incense, pictures of those who have passed, offerings for those who have gone before you, and your joy de vivre as we drum and dance sing and chant our way to the designated stops.

each stop will have a happy hour special for those who participate.  We will also have a donation station on our Altar Float for those who wish to give more.

Partial Proceeds of this campaign will go to help the Pet Asylum located at 513 Dumaine in the Historic French Quarter.  Although they aren’t officially a Pet Rescue Group, they find themselves out there helping the community, searching for lost pets and returning them, helping injured animals, and finding homes for the abandoned.   We’d like to extend a hand to them for all the good they do for their community.

These stops will be for face painting along the route.   We will stagger our painters as we stroll down river.

Jumani    141 Chartres St

Molly’s on Toulouse 732 Toulouse  St

The Kerry 331 Decatur St


Erin Rose  811 Conti

Fahy’s Irish Pub 540 Burgundy

Spitfire 627 St Peter

The Golden Lantern 1239 Royal St

Lafittes Blacksmith Shop 941 Bourbon St


We URGE you to dress for Day Of The Dead or as a Skeleton.  If you need your face painted?  we will accomodate in the perks section.  Our artists are quick and do a beautiful job of recreating sugar skulls.  If you look in the pictures section you will see some of the beauty from last year.

Our Altar Crawl will be led by none other than “El Brujo”, who will guide us through the french quarter as we present an altar to each of the stops.   El Brujo is non other than the infamous Jose Torres-Tama, Latino Performance Artist.  Our Soul Sweepers will brush aside all previous juju and open the door for the stroll.  Each altar will be created by one of the members of Skinz N Bonez to honor that specific stop.   This is a fabulous romp through the Historic French Quarter on streets named by the Spanish came before us, and in the most reverent way possible, we will call out for those to walk with us.   Dogs are a major element within the veiled world and lead the way for those passed to those living.   Therefore we will honor all pets who protect and serve the living.  Dia De Los Muertos is a month long celebration leading up to Nov 2nd ALL SOULS DAY.

Come Join us for this wonderful stroll through the Historic Quarter with New Orleans only female bone gang….    Listen to the drums, hear the whispers of those who came before us, and celebrate the beginning of the fall season.



find us on facebook, and twitter  #bonegangnola

go to the link above, indiegogo and join in the fun.

we like to leave our events from the past on here.   everything past this post?  has happened.     hope to see you soon.





updates!   next up?   Krewe Of Dreux Pig Roast  Sat Jan 18th at Treasure Isle Tavern!

Mardigras Art Mkt at Oretha Castle Haley, Zeitgeiest FEB 8th.



up and coming events for the bonez are as follows

SPITFIRE on decatur will be hosting our yearly christmas party on Dec 16th at seven pm.  We invite all skeletons to join us as we open gifts, drum, sing, and make merry.  IF you miss us for this?  We wish everyone out there a happy holiday!


11-28   happy bird day, head to the track with a fabulous hat, and let the games begin!

12-7  KRAMPUS GRAS at the allways lounge.  to buy tickets in advance… http://krampusgras2013.brownpapertickets.com/

JAN 6th epiphany   you will find us pre parade at spitfire, getting on drinks on, then gathering at jackson square to watch joan of arc parade.  fabulous.  then out and about terrorizing the qtr.

FEB 15  Krewe Du Vieux / Krewedelusion parades, and we’ll be at the NOOMOON burning man preparty, then look for our drummers in krewe du vieux

FEB 22  Krewe of Dreux / Chewbacchus    You will find us doing two on this lovely day

MAR 2nd  Krewe of Okeanos parade uptown / box of wine  also two on this lovely day.  all hail king and queen of BOX OF WINE!

MARDIGRAS DAY  we are out the door early, krewe of st ann, wild tchoupitoulas, wake the living, say goodbye to those before us, then backstreet cultural museum.

MAR 16 super sunday

MAR 19 st josephs nite.



NEXT UP, ANBA DLO   on Oct 19th.   parade starts at six pm in from of Mimi’s in the Marigny.  this parade is always special as we stroll through our neighborhood, bringing beats, and good vibes.    see you there, and then afterwards at the big party at the new orleans healing center.  for more info please go to…http://neworleanshealingcenter.org/anba-dlo-halloween-festival-2013/

OCT 2nd in the french quarter you will find us at ERIN ROSE at FIVE PM with lanyards for sale for our pub crawl.   AT SIX PM we will head over to Molly’s on Toulouse.    AT SEVEN PM we will head over to good friends, and by NINE PM we will be at spitfire.   you can also purchase lanyards for our pub crawl OCT 5th,  ON THE DAY OF, OR RIGHT HERE ON LINE.   hit the donate button at the bottom of the page.  ten dollar donation gets you drink discounts, and more.

cheers and happy altar party 

here we go.   lots of great things happening.   first off?  Oct 5th is our first annual altar pub crawl for day of the dead.  “calacas y maracas”.    you can join us, as we proceed with a giant catrina altar, and pass through some of the best clubs in the city.

Oct 12th.  DIA DE LA RAZA at Zeitgeist.  Big Queen is the featured artist at the market, and you will find her, and some extra special goodies from the krewe, selling our wares.  and drumming too.

OCT 19th  ANBA DLO parade.    join us as we weave through the marigny with the voodoo priestess Sallie Ann Glassman.   blessed be.   this is a great event with tons of musical guests, and an entire center to entertain.   We will roll the parade, then have a booth that you can stop by, peruse some altars, and other goodies made by our boney lovelies.


NOV 2nd  Day of The Dead Parade in the marigny.   see you out there.

you can also support SKINZ by stopping by Surreys on Magazine.   You will find a wonderful collection of art from the Queen, and the Bonez, altars galore.

won’t you join us?








Sunday February 19, 2102
2011 Krewe of Okeanos Parade
Rolls 11:00 a.m. Uptown Route http://kreweofokeanos.org/

skinz n bonez will be rolling in Okeanos,   sunday feb 19th.  With them are New Yorkers “maracatu”.  this amazing drum krewe will send five members to back the bonez. http://maracatuny.com/ You can also catch maracatu sat feb 18th at the Hi Ho Lounge, where they will be opening for local faves “Debauche”

Tuesday Febuary 21,2012 look for the bonez come mardigras morning as they go from house to house waking the living. A dozen or so lucky homes will get a musical visit from the bonez and those along the route will get a special gift and a great start to the morning.

  • After that, you’ll find them joining up with the Krewe of St. Anne as they march through the bywater, marigny and on through the French Qarter to the Mississippi river to dip their flags and sing songs. http://www.kreweofsaintanne.org/history.html
  • Whilst St. Anne marches to River, the Bonez will break off and head to the Backstreet Cultural Museum to meet up with the North Side Skull and Bones gang, Mardi Gras Indians, Baby dolls and much more.
  • Then later in the afternoon?  See them at the Hi Ho Lounge for a performance with Big Chief Sunpie, and the Mardigras Indian Orchestra.

Look for Skinz n Bonez each sunday at six pm as they practice at the Hi
Ho lounge
.  2239 St. Claude Avenue. These ladiez and gentlemen, know
how to throw a party.



6 thoughts on “Events (OLD)

  1. How does one go about joining? I know a few members and they seem to be having a great time in the Krewe!

    1. hello! we are always accepting new members. we meet once a week currently as we pull into the mardigras season. to join we ask you to come meet us. this season is upon us right now, and we will be rolling krewe dreux. email me at mardiclaw@gmail.com for further details. We accept women and men. Roll two parades a year with children, and also back the wild tchoupitoulas.

      all hail the mardigras!

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